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Download MetroVPN
for Windows PC & Laptop

Compatible with Windows 10 and 11.

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    Secure and uninterrupted streaming, gaming and work anywhere

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    Enjoy ultra-fast upload and download speeds without lag

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    Free trial and 30-day money-back guarantee


Supported on:

How to set up MetroVPN on Windows

Sign up for a MetroVPN account. It protects all your devices.

Step 1

Sign up for a MetroVPN account. It protects all your devices.

Sign up for a MetroVPN account. It protects all your devices.

Step 1

Sign up for a MetroVPN account. It protects all your devices.

Download App on your PC and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 2

Download App on your PC and follow the on-screen instructions.

Download App on your PC and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 2

Download App on your PC and follow the on-screen instructions.

Launch and log into MetroVPN. Connect to the server with one click, and enjoy!

Step 3

Launch and log into MetroVPN. Connect to the server with one click, and enjoy!

Launch and log into MetroVPN. Connect to the server with one click, and enjoy!

Step 3

Launch and log into MetroVPN. Connect to the server with one click, and enjoy!

Why Choose MetroVPN for Windows

Protects Multiple Devices

Protects Multiple Devices

One account can protect 5 devices. More than just your Windows device.

Risk Barriers

Risk Barriers

We block threats like malware and phishing attempts to keep your network clean.

Strict No-Logs Policy

Strict No-Logs Policy

We guarantee that no user's browsing data and actions will be recorded.

Easy To Use

Easy To Use

No complicated process, just open the app and connect with one click.

Ultra Fast Speed

Ultra Fast Speed

You can enjoy ultra-fast speeds with no lag, no buffering, and stream anywhere.

Global Servers

Global Servers

You can enjoy more internet freedom with MetroVPN's 6,500+ servers around the world.

Protects Multiple Devices

Protects Multiple Devices

One account can protect 5 devices. More than just your Windows device.

Risk Barriers

Risk Barriers

We block threats like malware and phishing attempts to keep your network clean.

Strict No-Logs Policy

Strict No-Logs Policy

We guarantee that no user's browsing data and actions will be recorded.

Easy To Use

Easy To Use

No complicated process, just open the app and connect with one click.

Ultra Fast Speed

Ultra Fast Speed

You can enjoy ultra-fast speeds with no lag, no buffering, and stream anywhere.

Global Servers

Global Servers

You can enjoy more internet freedom with MetroVPN's 6,500+ servers around the world.

Protects Multiple Devices

Protects Multiple Devices

One account can protect 5 devices. More than just your Windows device.

Get MetroVPN

Frequently asked questions for Windows


MetroVPN is a safe software and does not contain any viruses, that's for sure. This situation is caused by system false positives, you can follow the steps below:
① Select "Start" > then open "Settings".
② Under "Privacy & security" > select "Virus & threat protection" > "select Manage settings" And then under "Exclusions" select "Add or remove exclusions".
③ Select "Add Exclusions" to add the folder where MetroVPN is located to the exclusions.


Windows 10 and 11 have built-in VPN clients, but they do not provide VPN services. You need to make complex settings yourself. Therefore, we recommend that you use MetroVPN, which is easy to use and protects your privacy.


Sure. You can install MetroVPN on any number of devices. But the same subscription account supports up to five devices simultaneously connecting to MetroVPN.