Privacy Policy

Last updated on 18 Oct. 2021

We want you to understand what information we collect, what we don’t collect, and how we collect, use, and store information. We do not collect logs of your activity, including no logging of browsing history, traffic destination, data content, or DNS queries. We also never store connection logs, meaning no logs of your IP address, your outgoing VPN IP address, connection timestamp, or session duration.
As a provider of an online privacy service, we ultimately strive to collect the minimal amount of information required to operate our service. This document (“Privacy Policy”) explains the privacy rules applicable to all information collected or submitted when you access, install, or use the MetroVPN Services.
By installing and/or using the Services, you confirm that you have read this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with the rules of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Services.

Personal Data Collection and Use

(i) Information related to your account (“personal information”)
When you interact with our services, we collect the information that you choose to share with us. For example, most of our services require you to set up a basic user account, so we need to collect a few important details about you, such as username, your Google or Facebook account and password.
(ii) Payment data (if using paid Services).
This information is necessary to collect payments for our Services. For payment processing and refund requests (such as date of purchase, payer’s IP address, zip code, card owner's full name and PayPal information).
Country details. When providing your payment details, we ask our users to provide the country where they are registered, have a permanent address or usually live. This information is necessary for VAT calculation purposes.
(iii) Chat-bot. If you contact us via our chat-bot on our app, in addition to collecting your contact information, we will be able to see your IP address. This additional information is necessary for our support to determine the user's country and to see if the user is connected to our servers or not.

Operational Data Collection and Use

(i) Cookies

Cookies, pixels, and other similar technologies are usually small text or image files that are placed on your device when you visit our application. Some cookies are essential for our application to operate smoothly, others are used to improve application functionality. such as:

  • Statistical assessment and website performance improvement;
  • Affiliate cookies to identify the customers referred to the Site by our partners, so that we can grant the referrers with commissions;
  • Cookies for personalizing the content of the Site for users, such as setting the default language.
  • You can set up warnings for every time the Site places a cookie in your browser, or you can choose to disable all cookies. You can do both through your browser settings. Since each browser has a different procedure for managing cookies, look at your browser’s Help Menu to learn the correct way to do it.
    Please note that choosing to disable cookies may negatively affect some of the features that make your Site experience more efficient.
    (ii) OS Version; app Version

    For user support, troubleshooting, and product planning

    (iii) Active this month; Total data used this month

    For Customer satisfaction, support, network demand planning

    Sharing your personal data

    We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy.

    What data we do not record

    We do not log any data relating to a user's VPN activity (when connecting or connecting to a VPN).
  • No traffic log
  • No connection timestamps or connection durations
  • No DNS request logging
  • No logging of user bandwidth
  • No logging of client IP addresses
  • No logging of any account activity other than active total concurrent connections (described below)
  • Third Parties

    We engage third parties to view and analyze Site data that’s not personally identifiable to you. These third parties use cookies on our Site to collect, analyze, and generate reports on Site usage for us. We do not provide these third parties with any personal information about you.

    Total Bandwidth Consumed

    Every paid MetroVPN user gets access to unlimited bandwidth, irrespective of how that bandwidth is used. We keep track of the total bandwidth consumed by you to make sure every MetroVPN user gets the same highest level of speed and experience with MetroVPN.

    Children’s Privacy

    These Services do not address anyone under the age of 18. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 18. In the case I discover that a child under 18 has provided me with
    personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to take the necessary actions.

    Changes to This Privacy Policy

    We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time, without prior notice to you, consistent with applicable privacy laws and principles. Your continued use of the Services constitutes your acceptance of our Privacy Policy.

    How to Contact MetroVPN

    If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy and how we handle your information, please feel free to contact MetroVPN at the following email address: